You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.
— Friedrich Nietzsche
Enhanced runtime powers
In an earlier article on beginning the process of breaking up a long
vimrc into a ~/.vim
runtime directory, we hinted at a few more
possibilities for leveraging the runtime directory structure:
Disabling specific parts of the stock runtime directory
Writing custom compiler definitions
Automatically loading functions only when they’re called
In this followup article, we’ll go through each of these, further demonstrating
how you can use the 'runtimepath'
structure and logic to your benefit.
That’s nice, but it’s wrong
Sometimes, you just plain don’t like something that the stock runtime files
bundled with Vim do. You don’t want to edit the included runtime files
directly, because they’ll just get overwritten again the next time you upgrade
Vim. You don’t want to maintain a hacked-up copy of the full runtime files in
your own configuration, either. It would be best to find a way to work around
the unwanted lines. Fortunately, 'runtimepath'
lets us do exactly that.
Variable options
Accommodating plugin authors will sometimes provide variable options,
allowing you to tweak the way the plugin works. You should always look for
these first; you may not even need to read any Vim script to do what you want,
as the relevant options are often described in :help
For example, the stock indenting behavior for the html
filetype does not add
a level of indentation after opening a paragraph block with a <p>
tag, even
though it does add indentation after an element like <body>
. Fortunately,
there’s a documented option variable that modifies this behavior named
, which we can define in ~/.vim/indent/html.vim
. This
will get loaded just before $VIMRUNTIME/indent/html.vim
let html_indent_inctags = 'p'
This changes the behavior in the way we need. To be tidy, we should clear the
variable away again afterwards in ~/.vim/after/indent/html.vim
, since after
the stock file has run, this global variable has done its job:
unlet html_indent_inctags
Reversing unwanted configuration
Other times, the behavior annoying you may be just a little thing that’s not directly configurable, but it’s still easy enough to reverse it.
For example, if you’re a Perl developer, you might find it annoying that when
editing buffers with the perl
filetype, the #
comment leader is
automatically added when you press “Enter” in insert mode while composing a
comment. You would rather type (or not type) it yourself, as the python
filetype does by default.
You might check the Vim documentation, and find this unwanted behavior is
caused by the r
flag’s presence in the value of the
option. You didn’t set that in your vimrc, and it only
happens to buffers with the perl
filetype, so you check
to find what’s setting the unwanted flag.
Sure enough, you find this line:
setlocal formatoptions+=crqol
It doesn’t look like there’s a variable option you can set to prevent the
setting, so instead you add in a couple of lines to
to correct it after the stock plugin has
setlocal formatoptions-=r
You reload your perl
buffer, and examine the value of 'formatoptions'
; sure
enough, the r
flag has gone, and the unwanted behavior has stopped.
:set formatoptions?
Note that you didn’t need to add a b:undo_ftplugin
command in this
case, because the stock filetype plugin already includes a revert command for
, so you can fix this problem with just one line.
Blocking unwanted configuration
Maybe it’s not just a little thing, though. Perhaps a filetype plugin or indent plugin for a given language just does everything completely wrong for you.
For example, suppose you’re annoyed with the stock indenting behavior for
. You can’t predict where you’ll end up on any new line, you can’t
configure it to make it work the way you want it to, and it’s too frustrating
to deal with it. Rather than carefully undoing each of the plugin’s settings,
you decide it would be better if all near-1000 lines of
just didn’t load at all, so you can go back to
plain old 'autoindent'
until you can find or write something better.
Fortunately, at the very beginning of the disliked file, we find a load guard:
if exists("b:did_indent")
let b:did_indent = 1
This cuts the whole script off at the :finish
command if b:did_indent
has been set. This suggests that if we set that variable before this script
loads, we could avoid its mess entirely. We add three lines to a new file in
, and we’re done:
let b:did_indent = 1
setlocal autoindent
let b:undo_indent = 'setlocal autoindent<'
The stock $VIMRUNTIME/indent/php.vim
still loads after this script, and will
still appear in the output of :scriptnames
, but execution never gets
past the load guard, leaving our single setting of 'autoindent'
In doing the above, we’ve now replaced the php
indent plugin with our own.
Perhaps we’ll refine it a bit more later, or write an 'indentexpr'
it that we prefer.
Advanced example
Sometimes, working around this type of issue requires a little more careful analysis of the order in which things are sourced, and a bit more tweaking.
For example, suppose you don’t like the fact that the html
filetype plugin is
loaded for markdown
buffers, and set out to prevent this behavior. You hope
that there’s going to be an option that allows you to do this, and you start by
looking in $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/markdown.vim
Unfortunately, in that file you find that the behavior is hard-coded, and runs unconditionally:
runtime! ftplugin/html.vim ftplugin/html_*.vim ftplugin/html/*.vim
That line runs all the filetype plugins it can find for the html
filetype. We
can’t coax the stock plugin into disabling the unwanted behavior, but we don’t
want to completely disable the stock plugin for markdown
or html
primary buffer filetypes, either. What to do?
Perhaps there’s a way to disable just the filetype plugins for html
, and
only when the active buffer is actually a markdown
buffer? Looking at
, we notice our old friend the load guard:
if exists("b:did_ftplugin") | finish | endif
It looks like if we can set b:did_ftplugin
immediately before this script
loads, we can meet our goal. Sure enough, putting this in
does the trick:
if &filetype ==# 'markdown'
let b:did_ftplugin = 1
Checker, linter, candlestick-maker
One of the lesser-used subdirectories in the Vim runtime directory structure is
. This is for files that set the 'makeprg'
options so that a useful :make
or :lmake
command runs for the current buffer, and any output or errors that the program
returns are correctly interpreted according to the value of 'errorformat'
use in the quickfix or location lists. The files defining these two
options are sourced using the :compiler
Vim includes some compiler
definitions in its runtime files, and not just for
C or C++ compilers; there’s $VIMRUNTIME/compiler/tidy.vim
for HTML checking,
and $VIMRUNTIME/compiler/perl.vim
for Perl syntax checking, to name just a
couple. You can also write your own definitions, and put them in
Note that there’s no particular need for the program named by 'makeprg'
have anything to do with an actual make
program, nor a compiler for a
compiled language; it can just as easily be a syntax checker to identify
erroneous constructs, or a linter to point out bad practices that aren’t
necessarily errors. What the :compiler
command provides for the user is an
abstraction for configuring these, and switching between them cleanly.
Switching between compilers
As an example to make the usefulness of this clear, consider how we might like
to specify 'makeprg'
and 'errorformat'
for editing shell scripts written
for GNU Bash. Bash can be an awkward and difficult language, and if we
have to write a lot of it, ideally we’d want a linter as well as a syntax
checker to let us know if we write anything potentially erroneous.
Here are two different tools for syntax checking and linting Bash, both with
potential as compiler
bash -n
will check the syntax of a shell script, to establish whether it will run at all.shellcheck -s bash
will lint it, looking for bad practices in a shell script that might misbehave in unexpected ways.
Ideally, a Bash programmer would want to be able to run either of these
programs, switching between them as needed, without losing the benefit of
showing the output in the quickfix or location list when :make
or :lmake
run. So, let’s write a script to accommodate that.
First of all, because this logic is specific to the sh
filetype, we decide to
put it in a filetype plugin in ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/sh
, perhaps named
. This is because there’s no point enabling switching between
these two programs for any other filetype.
After experimenting with the values for 'makeprg'
and 'errorformat'
, and
testing them by running :make
on a few Bash files and inspecting the output
in the quickfix list with :copen
, we find the following values work well:
" Bash
makeprg=bash\ -n\ --\ %:S
errorformat=%f:\ line\ %l:\ %m
" ShellCheck
makeprg=shellcheck\ -s\ bash\ -f\ gcc\ --\ %:S
errorformat=%f:%l:%c:\ %m\ [SC%n]
To switch between the two sets of values, we might set up functions and
mappings like so, using ,b
for bash
and ,s
for shellcheck
function! s:SwitchCompilerBash() abort
setlocal makeprg=bash\ -n\ --\ %:S
setlocal errorformat=%f:\ line\ %l:\ %m
function! s:SwitchCompilerShellCheck() abort
setlocal makeprg=shellcheck\ -s\ bash\ -f\ gcc\ --\ %:S
setlocal errorformat=%f:%l:%c:\ %m\ [SC%n]
nnoremap <buffer> ,b
\ :<C-U>call <SID>SwitchCompilerBash()<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> ,s
\ :<C-U>call <SID>SwitchCompilerShellCheck()<CR>
let b:undo_ftplugin .= '|setlocal makeprg< errorformat<'
\ . '|nunmap <buffer> ,b'
\ . '|nunmap <buffer> ,s'
This works, but there’s quite a lot going on here for something that seems like
it should be simpler. It would be nice to avoid all the script-variable
function scaffolding in particular, preferably without trying to put the
complex :setlocal
commands into the right hand side of the mappings.
Separating compiler definitions out
The :compiler
command allows us to separate this logic out somewhat, by
putting the options settings in separate files in ~/.vim/compiler
Our ~/.vim/compiler/bash.vim
file might look like this:
setlocal makeprg=bash\ -n\ --\ %:S
setlocal errorformat=%f:\ line\ %l:\ %m
Similarly, our ~/.vim/compiler/shellcheck.vim
might look like this:
setlocal makeprg=shellcheck\ -s\ bash\ -f\ gcc\ --\ %:S
setlocal errorformat=%f:%l:%c:\ %m\ [SC%n]
With these files installed, we can test switching between them with
:compiler bash
:set errorformat? makeprg?
errorformat=%f: line %l: %m
makeprg=bash -n -- %:S
:compiler shellcheck
:set errorformat? makeprg?
errorformat=%f:%l:%c: %m [SC%n]
makeprg=shellcheck -s bash -f gcc -- %:S
This simple abstraction allows us to refactor the compiler-switching code in our filetype plugin to the following, foregoing any need for the functions:
nnoremap <buffer> ,b
\ :<C-U>compiler bash<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> ,s
\ :<C-U>compiler shellcheck<CR>
let b:undo_ftplugin .= '|setlocal makeprg< errorformat<'
\ . '|nunmap <buffer> ,b'
\ . '|nunmap <buffer> ,s'
Note that the above compiler file examples are greatly simplified from the
recommended practices in :help write-compiler-plugin
. For example, you
would ideally use the :CompilerSet
command for the options settings. However,
for the purposes of configuring things in your personal ~/.vim
, this is
mostly a detail; you may prefer to keep things simple.
Automatic for the people
If a particular script defines long functions that are not actually called that
often, it can make Vim slow to start. This may not be so much of a problem if
the functionality is really useful and will always be needed promptly in
every editor session. For functions that are called less often, it would be
preferable to arrange for function definitions to be loaded only at the time
they’re actually needed, to keep Vim startup snappy. This would be particularly
applicable for :map
and :autocmd
targets that are specific to
certain filetypes, especially so if they’re not needed very often.
We’ve already seen that putting such code in filetype-specific plugins where possible is a great start. We can build further on this with another useful application of Vim’s runtime directory structure—the autoload system. This approach loads functions at the time they’re called, just before executing them.
Candidates for autoloading
Consider the following script-local variable s:pattern
, and functions
, s:Bump()
, s:BumpMinor()
, and s:BumpMajor()
, from a filetype
plugin, perl_version_bump.vim
. This plugin does something very specific: it
finds and increments version numbers in buffers of the perl
let s:pattern = '\m\C^'
\ . '\(our\s\+\$VERSION\s*=\D*\)'
\ . '\(\d\+\)\.\(\d\+\)'
\ . '\(.*\)'
" Helper function to format a number without decreasing its digit count
function! s:Format(old, new) abort
return repeat('0', strlen(a:old) - strlen(a:new)).a:new
" Version number bumper
function! s:Bump(major) abort
let l:view = winsaveview()
let l:li = search(s:pattern)
if !l:li
echomsg 'No version number declaration found'
let l:matches = matchlist(getline(l:li), s:pattern)
let [l:lvalue, l:major, l:minor, l:rest]
\ = matchlist(getline(l:li), s:pattern)[1:4]
if a:major
let l:major = s:Format(l:major, l:major + 1)
let l:minor = s:Format(l:minor, 0)
let l:minor = s:Format(l:minor, l:minor + 1)
let l:version = l:major.'.'.l:minor
call setline(l:li, l:lvalue.l:version.l:rest)
if a:major
echomsg 'Bumped major $VERSION: '.l:version
echomsg 'Bumped minor $VERSION: '.l:version
call winrestview(l:view)
" Interface functions
function! s:BumpMinor() abort
call s:Bump(0)
function! s:BumpMajor() abort
call s:Bump(1)
There’s no way you would need to load such niche code every time Vim starts. You probably wouldn’t even want all of it to load it every time you edit a Perl file—after all, how likely are you to bump the version number of a script every time you look at it? We’d like to arrange to load all this only when it’s actually needed.
Autoloading from mappings to functions
The version bumping plugin ends with mapping targets to its last two functions:
nnoremap <buffer> <Plug>(PerlBumpMinor)
\ :<C-U>call <SID>BumpMinor()<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <Plug>(PerlBumpMajor)
\ :<C-U>call <SID>BumpMajor()<CR>
These <Plug>
targets need to be mapped to by the user’s configuration
in ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/perl.vim
, with the actual keys they want to use.
Here, we’ve used ,b
and ,B
nmap <buffer> ,b <Plug>(PerlBumpMinor)
nmap <buffer> ,B <Plug>(PerlBumpMajor)
Ideally, you’d define the <Plug>
mapping targets in such a way that Vim knows
where to load definitions for the functions they call, and does so only when
they’re actually called. Once loaded, the functions and any variables would
then stay defined as normal for the rest of the Vim session—enabling a kind of
dynamic plugin.
Autoloading identifier prefixes
Indeed, this is exactly what autoload
makes possible. We can put the entirety
of the script functions excluding the mapping targets into a file
, changing only the names of the last
two functions to include the #
-separated path prefix syntax for autoloading:
" Interface functions
function! perl#version#bump#BumpMinor() abort
call s:Bump(0)
function! perl#version#bump#BumpMajor() abort
call s:Bump(1)
The prefix perl#version#bump#
for the new function names specifies the
relative runtime path at which Vim should look for the file containing the
function definitions. All of the #
symbols bar the last one are replaced with
filesystem slashes /
, and the last one is replaced with .vim
. This is how
the autoloading process finds the function’s definition at the time it needs
Here are some other examples of autoloaded function names, and where in
that Vim looks for them:
goes in~/.vim/autoload/foo.vim
goes in~/.vim/autoload/foo/bar/baz.vim
goes in~/.vim/autoload/foo/bar.vim
Per the last example above, note that there doesn’t actually have to be a
function name following the final #
. You can use this to load only one
function per file, if you wish.
Similar to the previous :runtime
wrappers we’ve observed, Vim looks
through any autoload
subdirectories of each directory in 'runtimepath'
, in
order, until a file with a relative path corresponding to the called function’s
prefix is found and sourced.
Autoloading encapsulation
You might be wondering why we only have to rename the last two functions in our
example. How can this still work if the s:pattern
variable and the
and s:Bump()
functions are still using the s:
prefix for
script-local scope?
These definitions are still loaded as part of the autoloaded file, even though
they weren’t explicitly referenced or called themselves. They are thereby
pulled in indirectly by perl#version#bump#BumpMinor()
being autoloaded, and remain visible to those
functions in the same script-level scope. Because they’re only used internally
by our mapped functions, and don’t need to be callable from outside the script,
there’s no need to rename them, and we still get the benefit of deferring their
In object-oriented terms, you can therefore think of the autoloaded functions as the interface to the plugin, and any script-local variables or functions that they use as the plugin’s implementation.
Reducing a plugin to just a few lines
With the above restructuring done, we just need to adjust the <Plug>
still left in the ftplugin
to use the new function names. This filetype
plugin now only loads two mappings when the buffer’s 'filetype'
is set to
. Here is the ftplugin
file in its entirety:
nnoremap <buffer> <Plug>(PerlBumpMinor)
\ :<C-U>call perl#version#bump#BumpMinor()<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <Plug>(PerlBumpMajor)
\ :<C-U>call perl#version#bump#BumpMajor()<CR>
let b:undo_ftplugin .= '|nunmap <buffer> <Plug>(PerlBumpMinor)'
\ . '|nunmap <buffer> <Plug>(PerlBumpMajor)'
Applying this process rigorously can shave a lot of wasted time from your Vim startup process. This was the main design goal for autoloading, as the Vim plugin ecosystem grew towards the first release of the feature in Vim 7.0.
Carefully examining what needs to load, and when—along with some careful experimentation—will make clearer to you what code can have its loading deferred until later. Autoloading is the second-closest thing you have to a “magic bullet” in quickening Vim. The closest thing, of course, is never to load the code at all, especially if you learn that the feature you wanted is already built in…
Don’t stop me now
Over both our articles on this topic, we’ve gone through a whirlwind tour of
the most important parts of good :runtime
and 'runtimepath'
usage for your
own personal ~/.vim
directory—and yet, with every example, we’ve demonstrated
merely a few simple possibilities of what can be done with it.
The “overlaying” runtime directory approach Vim takes to its configuration is
one of the best things about the editor’s design. It strikes a balance between
enabling detailed customization by Vim enthusiasts and their particular areas
of editing interest, while still working just fine out of the box for everyone
and everything else. Because sharing vimrc files has been a cultural tradition
since the 90s, it’s so easy to overlook what’s possible outside the single-file
box. The Emacs community has adapted readily to sharing .emacs.d
directories, having had the same problems as we do now—we need to
catch up!
The author hopes you have a new appreciation for the power that the
much-overlooked 'runtimepath'
design gives to you—all of it gained not by
mastering an entire language like Emacs Lisp, but merely by putting a few
small, relatively simple files in just the right places in your home directory.
There’s some kind of aesthetic appeal in that—maybe even a weird kind of beauty
that only a Vim enthusiast could love.