Vim and Git are both highly complex, configurable developer tools. Developers who use Vim are likely to also need to use Git frequently. This article attempts to explore how these two tools can interact in many ways.

First off, I’m not going to prescribe any particular workflows, or argue for or against a particular method. There are just too many options and you are encouraged to develop your own workflow.

Vim and Git are two separate tools and can of course be used that way. However, it can be useful, time-saving, and convenient to integrate the two.

Note: I personally use Neovim, but practically everything will work the same in Vim. Assume “Vim” in the post refers to both Neovim and Vim unless a distinction is explicitly made.

The Git perspective

From the perspective of Git there are several opportunities to utilize Vim:

  • editing commit/tag messages,
  • resolving merge conflicts (yay!),
  • interactive rebasing

Editing commit messages

If you have the EDITOR environment variable already set to Vim, Git should automatically use Vim to edit messages. If environment variables aren’t to be relied on, the core.editor git config can be set:

    editor = "vim"

When editing a commit message in Vim and you wish to abort, you can use the :cq command to exit with a non-zero status. This will cause Git to abort the commit, even if you had begun writing a message. Similarly, this trick can be used to abort a merge or exit difftool if the corresponding trustExitCode option is set to true:

    trustExitCode = true

# the option is mergetool.<tool>.trustExitCode
# replace nvimdiff4 with the name of the mergetool you use
[mergetool "nvimdiff4"]
    trustExitCode = true

Additionally, be sure to use git commit -v or set commit.verbose = true in your gitconfig file to have the full patch shown in Vim when editing the commit message.

Resolving merge conflicts

Before resorting to external diff tools to resolve conflicts, consider using Vim’s excellent diff mode to help! Vim can be configured to be used as Git’s mergetool, so it can be automatically launched with the correct configuration and files ready to perform the merge when you run git mergetool. There are two main methods which I’ve used: vanilla Vim (or Neovim) launched in diffmode, and the Gdiff command supplied by vim-fugitive. Example configuration below (this is my config with Neovim; launching Vim in diffmode is slightly different):

    tool = nvimdiff4
    # if not using a tool name with builtin support, must supply mergetool cmd
    # as below

[mergetool "nvimdiff4"]
    cmd = nvim -d $LOCAL $BASE $REMOTE $MERGED -c '$wincmd w' -c 'wincmd J'

[mergetool "nfugitive"]
    cmd = nvim -f -c "Gdiff" "$MERGED"

The first method requires no plugins. It is simply Vim (Neovim) launched in diffmode with the 4 files Git provides in environment variables. The wincmds executed move the working file to full-width along the lower half of the window.

The second method uses the vim-fugitive plugin to automatically set up the layout (it will choose horizontal or vertical splits depending on the terminal size. It still uses Vim’s diffmode, but only shows 3 files (local, remote, and index).

For both methods, use diffget and diffput commands (with corresponding do and dp bindings) to resolve conflicts. Something I find helpful is to include the buffer number in the status line as a quick reference when giving the buffer number to do or dp. The item %n will do that. See :h 'statusline' for more.

For further information, I recommend the Vimcasts screencast on resolving merge conflicts.

Likewise, git difftool can be set to use Vim too for displaying diffs:

    tool = nvimdiff2

[difftool "nvimdiff2"]
    cmd = nvim -d $LOCAL $REMOTE

Interactive rebasing

I haven’t had to perform rebases very often and so can’t speak authoritatively on the subject. I need to include it here though for completeness.

I do know that Vim is perfectly suited to the task though. Common actions map neatly to Vim idioms:

Task Vim commands
Change a command ciw
Remove a commit dd
Reorder lines <count>dd, move up/down, p or P

Vim also includes commands to quickly change a command (:Pick, :Squash, etc.) or cycle between them (:Cycle). See gitrebase.vim for all available commands. Add keybindings for these for even more efficiency!

The Vim perspective

OK, so the flip side: how can Git be integrated into Vim?


Let’s begin with useful things you can do with no plugins required.


One way is to shell out directly to Git to run a command. Be aware that interactive stdin is impossible currently in Neovim so any commands that prompt for input will fail.

:!git stash


Neovim, and more recently Vim, have embedded terminals that can be launched with the :terminal command. This enables having a complete shell (and Git command line tools) within Vim. Very useful if using Gvim, or don’t want to suspend/quit Vim to get back to a shell.


The autoread option will make Vim automatically read the file again if it detects the file has been changed outside of Vim. The :checktime command checks if any buffers have been changed outside of Vim. This is especially useful when in an autocmd that runs :checktime in cases where a file is likely to have changed outside of Vim (I use FocusGained and CursorHold). Together they are very useful when checking out different commits and don’t want Vim complaining that a file has changed on disk and prompting for an action.

set autoread
autocmd FocusGained,CursorHold ?* if getcmdwintype() == '' | checktime | endif

Warning: with this configuration, changes to a buffer from inside Vim are lost when it reloads the changed file from disk. This may be safer with a Vim config that automatically writes files. See this blog post for more info on the topic.

Nobody wants to commit merge conflict markers, so let’s highlight these so we can’t miss them:

match ErrorMsg '^\(<\|=\|>\)\{7\}\([^=].\+\)\?$'

Generally the first line of commit messages should be a maximum of 50 characters long, and the body 72 characters. Correct spelling is also nice. With some config, Vim can help!

" Note: put this in ftplugin/gitcommit.vim or in a filetype autocmd.

" show the body width boundary
setlocal colorcolumn=73
setlocal textwidth=72

" warning if first line too long
match ErrorMsg /\%1l.\%>51v/

" spell check on
setlocal spell



The Git plugin. There are many articles about Fugitive so I won’t go into it in much detail. Basically, it provides many Vim commands for working with the repo, a diffing setup for staging changes, interactive status window, etc. It is very powerful and it’s worth reading the docs and other resources for learning more about what can be achieved with Fugitive. I highly recommend the Vimcasts series on Fugitive.

Some of its features I use consistently are:

  • %{FugitiveStatusline()} to display the current branch in the statusline.
  • :Gblame for instant git blame in Vim.
  • :Gdiff for staging hunks and viewing diffs.


GitGutter and Signify are both plugins whose job is to show diff information in the sign column. GitGutter is tailored for Git, and provides some useful extras, such as undoing hunks. Signify has historically been faster, but recent refactoring efforts in GitGutter has levelled the playing field. I’d recommend GitGutter for its extra features if you only use Git, or Signify if you also need support for other VCSs.

Both plugins support functions to embed the number of added/removed/modified lines in the statusline. For example, my current statusline generating function includes:

let l:hunks = GitGutterGetHunkSummary()
if l:hunks[0] || l:hunks[1] || l:hunks[2]
  let l:line .= '%#GitGutterAdd# +' . l:hunks[0] .
              \ ' %#GitGutterChange#~' . l:hunks[1] .
              \ ' %#GitGutterDelete#-' . l:hunks[2] . ' '


GV is an excellent Git browser for Vim.


Vimagit is an attempt to bring some of Emacs’s famous Magit to Vim. It provides a single buffer where you can launch Git commands, stage hunks/files, and commit. Its interface is very nice (IMHO), but unfortunately it suffers from low performance. Worth checking out but is perhaps not mature enough to support efficient workflows yet.


Committia Committia is a simple plugin to help make editing commit messages smoother by displaying the diff in a vertical split. I found it really useful until I discovered verbose mode for git commit which loads the diff into the buffer too. I think it still has potential due to the neat layout it provides and bindings to navigate the diff buffer. YMMV.

Branch managers

I recently discovered some cool plugins for managing Git branches (and related tasks). Twiggy and Merginal are both very similar and provide a command to open a buffer in a vertical split for performing actions on branches, such as switching, merging, pulling, pushing, stashing, and deleting. These are recent discoveries and I believe show much promise. I also think that these finds highlight the richness of the Vim plugin ecosystem. There are so many lesser-known and useful plugins which may fit in perfectly with your workflow.

Github specific goodies

Github is one of the most popular Git repository hosting services, and it follows that there are some helpful Vim plugins for further Git repository integration if hosted on Github.

rhubarb is a Vim plugin to complement Fugitive that enables opening a Git object on Github in the browser. It’s very convenient when you are working in Vim on a local repository and wish to refer someone to a particular line or file. For example:


Rhubarb also contains an autocompleter for Github issues when editing commit/tag messages.

My workflow

So what about my workflow, you may ask. Well I consider my workflow to be very scattered. I use whichever method of performing a Git action as happens to be most convenient at the time. Generally I use Tmux and have a pane/window open that I can switch to and run Git commands when I need to do a series of Git-specific actions. Otherwise I try to stay in Vim as much as possible to avoid context switching. To this end, I find GitGutter great in Vim to see which lines have been changed and not staged. I’m also beginning to use Fugitive more frequently, and often experiment with other plugins to see how they can help.

Something I can’t stress enough is the importance of learning a tool and forcing yourself to use that tool everywhere possible until it reaches muscle memory if it’s to actually be an improvement to your workflow. I’ve found that there’s no point having convenient plugins installed if I end up forgetting about them and falling back to less efficient methods simply because they are the ones I’m most familiar with. That said, sometimes the most efficient method is the one that requires less context switching. If in the CLI, then git status is faster than switching to Vim and running :Gstatus, and vice versa.


Vim and Git are two powerful tools which can complement each other with a bit of configuration work.

If you only want to install the minimum of Vim plugins, make one of them Fugitive.vim, and the other GitGutter.

Experiment! You are working with two mature, powerful tools which can be used and extended in many ways to suit your workflow.

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